FFR 210 – The October Effect

What is the “October Effect?” Just ask any Investor, Wall Street Trader or Banker and they’ll tell you a frightening story about a dark day in the month of October, either in the year, 1907, 1924, 1987 or 2008. These years coincide with a market crash or rapid decline...

FFR 207 – Behavioral Finance

I sat down with Kristine today and she described the basics of “Behavioral Finances” and the types of investment decisions they cause. If you want to stay smart and have something to discuss at the next tailgate event, then tune in. Kristine loves this...

FFR 189 – Risk Part 2

Sr. Private Wealth Manager, John Stone, explains “Risk” and how to find your tolerance level and put it to good use through Measuring, Managing and Monetizing it. Any questions? Feel free to reach out and talk to one of our experts, and we can help you...