FFR 211 – Use Your Voice

Never before has an individual ballot been more important. So be sure to “Use Your Voice” and cast your vote!! Questions about how to vote? If you’re registered? What to bring? How to vote if you need a translator? Or ride assistance? Please use the...

FFR 210 – The October Effect

What is the “October Effect?” Just ask any Investor, Wall Street Trader or Banker and they’ll tell you a frightening story about a dark day in the month of October, either in the year, 1907, 1924, 1987 or 2008. These years coincide with a market crash or rapid decline...

FFR 208 – Recent Events

This week, Susan takes a detour from our usual, financial education topics to give us insight on some recent events and traditions. How do these relate? You’ll have to watch it to find out.  In light of recent natural disasters, people in the south have been...